
Customer Engagement

Customer engagement represents a positive, value-creating relationship between customers and an organization throughout the customer journey. In today’s digital era, customers demand and expect a consistent and seamless experience across multiple touch points, both physical and digital. Avaya offers contact center solutions that enable you to build a customized portfolio of applications—to drive stronger customer engagement and promote higher customer lifetime value.

Team Engagement

Boundless Team Engagement happens when communications solutions integrate into your work culture. Streamlined, cost-effective processes transform the way your teams engage with customers, partners, and each other. Barriers disappear, relationships blossom, productivity rises, and your business accelerates.

Fabric Networking

Instead of multiple protocols that create network complexity, Avaya provides one fabric-based protocol that forms a single virtual control layer across the entire network. Fabric Connect automatically configures the core switches by understanding the edge configuration—and everything becomes simpler. Applications can be rolled out quickly, recoveries are faster, device servers attach automatically, and the network runs at business speed.